
An online space where Canadian stakeholders in harm reduction and drug policy come together, learn, and network on specific topics.


We strive to provide an online space where authentic connections are made on issues that affect us all.

Pulling together key contacts to discuss the topic we also gather related journal articles, resources, media and tools and provide these resources along with the #StimulusConnect recordings as posted below.

Our topics are curated in consultation with the Stimulus National Implementation and Planning (SNIP) Committee and their Executive Committee. A group of key stakeholders are then brought together to collaboratively plan the content, speakers and methods of each event.

As with other Stimulus program activities we work from a framework of: Nothing About Us Without Us.


Stimulus Connects and Webinars

Stimulus Connect 7: Walking the Walk

Across Canada there is growing interest in ensuring that the principle of “ Nothing About Us Without Us” is not only honoured, but truly respected. Facilitating meaningful inclusion of people who...

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Stimulus Connect 6: Defunding the Police

Have you considered why most harm reduction and drug policy activists support the movement to Defund the Police? How are harm reduction philosophy, drug policy reform and the movement to defund the...

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Stimulus Connect 5: My Safe Supply

Canada is experiencing the worst ever overdose poisoning epidemic in our country’s history. Over 70% of overdose deaths are related to highly concentrated fentanyl in the unregulated and toxic drug...

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Stimulus Connect 13: Recognizing Expertise

This Stimulus Connect will present the findings from the CAPUD Best Practices in Meaningful and Respectful Engagement of People Who Use Drugs (Best Practices Project), led by the Canadian Association of People who Use Drugs(CAPUD) and the Canadian Drug Policy...

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Stimulus Connect 12: Benefits of Stimulants

In Canada, drug discussions are often centred around how using drugs from the illegal market is dangerous. However, there is much evidence to suggest otherwise. “Eighty to 90 percent of people are not negatively affected by drugs, but in the scientific literature...

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Stimulus Connect 9: Harm Reduction & Drug Selling

Illegal drug markets provide drugs that governments and regulatory bodies prohibit access to. The current drug laws perpetuate harm through the failed “war on drugs”. Historically in Canada, societal responses to people who sell drugs include demonizing those engaged...

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Stimulus Connect 7: Walking the Walk

Across Canada there is growing interest in ensuring that the principle of “ Nothing About Us Without Us” is not only honoured, but truly respected. Facilitating meaningful inclusion of people who use drugs by offering attendance alone is a fail. Rather, people who use...

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Stimulus Connect 6: Defunding the Police

Have you considered why most harm reduction and drug policy activists support the movement to Defund the Police? How are harm reduction philosophy, drug policy reform and the movement to defund the police linked? How do the police benefit from the criminalization of...

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Stimulus Connect 5: My Safe Supply

Canada is experiencing the worst ever overdose poisoning epidemic in our country’s history. Over 70% of overdose deaths are related to highly concentrated fentanyl in the unregulated and toxic drug market. Access to a safe supply of drugs is urgently needed. Building...

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Stimulus Connect 4: Women, Drugs, Pregnancy and the State

Women experience increased barriers to health and social services, and when they use drugs and/or engage in sex work they experience additional stigma and discrimination. Women who are pregnant experience the additional judgements of government authorities and many...

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