Stimulus 2018:
Drugs, Policy and Practice in Canada

Shaw Conference Centre
Edmonton, Alberta


Stimulus 2018

We are in the midst of an unprecedented overdose crisis, impending legalization of cannabis, a sexually transmitted infection epidemic, and a wide range of drug policy challenges.

Our capacity and learning needs are ever expanding, and yet it has been more than 10 years since experts in the field of drug policy last met on the national scale to connect and share best practices.

This three-day event at the Shaw Conference Centre in Edmonton will include people who use drugs, nurses, social workers, physicians, corrections staff, front-line workers, people involved in sex work, researchers, and other key people from across Canada.




Call to Action




Persistent Resistance

(Photo credit: Peter Kim | National Day of Action to End the Overdose Crisis | Vancouver | 2018)

Harm reduction, and the resistance to the war on drugs, takes a myriad of forms. Lifesaving peer-to-peer interventions, innovative programming, street nursing, and other healthcare services, along with HR distribution form much of the back bone of how Harm Reduction is produced in Canada. Without the rallies, protests, forums and marches, however, we would quickly find ourselves without the critical expression of outrage and solidarity that has slowly but surely moved harm reduction ever slowly forward. Possibly unique to harm reduction, many of those who find themselves engaged in saving lives during the day, also find themselves at night planning the protests and the resistance to the war on drugs. We are both sides of the same coin.

The last 12 years have seen some huge gains and some very hard losses; all the while harm reductionists have been persistent in pushing the conversation forward. With the grief and the losses we’ve experienced, it is critical that we take the time to reflect on our hard work and revel in the achievements of others. We recognize that our work has taken many forms, and this ‘living scrap book’ is our collective tale of our how we have persisted, through our own grief and rage, to end senseless death and to honour those who have come before us.


Conference Outcome Evaluation